package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.validator.EmailValidator; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroup; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroupService; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzPermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.GroupNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Role; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityAdvisor; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityAdvisor.SecurityAdvice; import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.SecurityService; import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.EventTrackingService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.sitemanage.api.UserNotificationProvider; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Tool; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserAlreadyDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserEdit; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserIdInvalidException; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserPermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserLockedException; import org.sakaiproject.util.StringUtil; import; import; import; import edu.rutgers.sakai.user.RutgersLDAPDirectoryProvider; /** * * @author * */ public class SiteAddParticipantHandler { /** Our log (commons). */ private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(SiteAddParticipantHandler.class); private static final String EMAIL_CHAR = "@"; public SiteService siteService = null; public AuthzGroupService authzGroupService = null; public ToolManager toolManager = null; public SessionManager sessionManager = null; public ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService; private final String HELPER_ID = ""; public MessageLocator messageLocator; private UserNotificationProvider notiProvider; // Tool session attribute name used to schedule a whole page refresh. public static final String ATTR_TOP_REFRESH = ""; public TargettedMessageList targettedMessageList; public void setTargettedMessageList(TargettedMessageList targettedMessageList) { this.targettedMessageList = targettedMessageList; } public Site site = null; public String officialAccountParticipant = null; public String getOfficialAccountParticipant() { return officialAccountParticipant; } private UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService; public void setUserDirectoryService(UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService) { this.userDirectoryService = userDirectoryService; } public void setOfficialAccountParticipant(String officialAccountParticipant) { this.officialAccountParticipant = officialAccountParticipant; } public String nonOfficialAccountParticipant = null; public String getNonOfficialAccountParticipant() { return nonOfficialAccountParticipant; } public void setNonOfficialAccountParticipant( String nonOfficialAccountParticipant) { this.nonOfficialAccountParticipant = nonOfficialAccountParticipant; } // for eids inside this list, don't look them up as email ids public List officialAccountEidOnly = new Vector(); public List getOfficialAccountEidOnly() { return officialAccountEidOnly; } public void setOfficialAccountEidOnly(List officialAccountEidOnly) { this.officialAccountEidOnly = officialAccountEidOnly; } /*whether the role choice is for same role or different role */ public String roleChoice = "sameRole"; public String getRoleChoice() { return roleChoice; } public void setRoleChoice(String roleChoice) { this.roleChoice = roleChoice; } /*whether the same role used for all users */ public String sameRoleChoice = null; public String getSameRoleChoice() { return sameRoleChoice; } public void setSameRoleChoice(String sameRoleChoice) { this.sameRoleChoice = sameRoleChoice; } /* the email notification setting */ public String emailNotiChoice = Boolean.FALSE.toString(); public String getEmailNotiChoice() { return emailNotiChoice; } public void setEmailNotiChoice(String emailNotiChoice) { this.emailNotiChoice = emailNotiChoice; } /** realm for the site **/ public AuthzGroup realm = null; public String siteId = null; /** the role set for the site **/ public List roles = new Vector(); public List getRoles() { if (roles.isEmpty()) init(); return roles; } public void setRoles (List roles) { this.roles = roles; } /** the user selected */ public List userRoleEntries = new Vector(); public String getUserRole(String userId) { String rv = ""; if (userRoleEntries != null) { for (UserRoleEntry entry:userRoleEntries) { if (entry.userEId.equals(userId)) { rv = entry.role; } } } return rv; } public List getUsers() { List rv = new Vector(); if (userRoleEntries != null) { for (UserRoleEntry entry:userRoleEntries) { rv.add(entry.userEId); } } return rv; } /** * Initialization method, just gets the current site in preparation for other calls * @throws * */ public void init() { if (site == null) { try { siteId = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession() .getAttribute(HELPER_ID + ".siteId").toString(); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe) { // Site ID wasn't set in the helper call!! } if (siteId == null) { siteId = toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); } try { site = siteService.getSite(siteId); realm = authzGroupService.getAuthzGroup(siteService.siteReference(siteId)); for(Iterator i = realm.getRoles().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Role r = (Role); roles.add(r); } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // The siteId we were given was bogus e.printStackTrace(); } catch (GroupNotDefinedException e) { // The siteId we were given was bogus e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * get the site title * @return */ public String getSiteTitle() { String rv = ""; if (site == null) init(); if (site != null) rv = site.getTitle(); return rv; } /** * is current site a course site? * @return */ public boolean isCourseSite() { boolean rv = false; String courseSiteType = getServerConfigurationString("courseSiteType", "course"); if (site == null) init(); if (site != null && courseSiteType.equals(site.getType())) { rv = true; } return rv; } /** * get the configuration string value * @param param * @return */ public String getServerConfigurationString(String param) { return getServerConfigurationString(param, null); } /** * get the configuration string value * @param param * @param defaultValue * @return */ public String getServerConfigurationString(String param, String defaultValue) { return serverConfigurationService.getString(param, defaultValue); } /** * Allows the Cancel button to return control to the tool calling this helper * @return */ public String processCancel() { ToolSession session = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); session.setAttribute(ATTR_TOP_REFRESH, Boolean.TRUE); resetTargettedMessageList(); reset(); return "done"; } /** * get role choice and go to difference html page based on that * @return */ public String processGetParticipant() { // reset errors resetTargettedMessageList(); // reset user list resetUserRolesEntries(); checkAddParticipant(); if (targettedMessageList != null && targettedMessageList.size() > 0 && targettedMessageList.isError()) { // there is error, remain on the same page return ""; } else { // go to next step return roleChoice; } } private void resetTargettedMessageList() { targettedMessageList.clear(); } private void resetUserRolesEntries() { userRoleEntries = new Vector(); } /** * get the same role choice and continue * @return */ public String processSameRoleContinue() { targettedMessageList.clear(); if (sameRoleChoice == null) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.pleasechoose", null, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); return null; } else { resetTargettedMessageList(); // if user doesn't have full rights, don't let him add one with site update if (!authzGroupService.allowUpdate("/site/" + siteId)) { if (realm == null) init(); Role r = realm.getRole(sameRoleChoice); if (r != null && r.isAllowed("site.upd")) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.roleperm", new Object[] { sameRoleChoice }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); return null; } } if (userRoleEntries != null) { for (UserRoleEntry entry:userRoleEntries) { entry.role = sameRoleChoice; } } return "continue"; } } /** * back to the first add participant page * @return */ public String processSameRoleBack() { resetTargettedMessageList(); return "back"; } /** * get the different role choice and continue * @return */ public String processDifferentRoleContinue() { resetTargettedMessageList(); if (!authzGroupService.allowUpdate("/site/" + siteId)) { Set roles = new HashSet(); for (UserRoleEntry entry : userRoleEntries) roles.add(entry.role); for (String rolename: roles) { Role r = realm.getRole(rolename); if (r != null && r.isAllowed("site.upd")) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.roleperm", new Object[] { rolename }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); return null; } } } return "continue"; } /** * back to the first add participant page * @return */ public String processDifferentRoleBack() { resetTargettedMessageList(); return "back"; } /** * get the email noti choice and continue * @return */ public String processEmailNotiContinue() { resetTargettedMessageList(); return "continue"; } /** * back to the previous role choice page * @return */ public String processEmailNotiBack() { resetTargettedMessageList(); if ("sameRole".equals(roleChoice)) { return "backSameRole"; } else { return "backDifferentRole"; } } /** * whether the eId is considered of official account * @param eId * @return */ private boolean isOfficialAccount(String eId) { return eId.indexOf(EMAIL_CHAR) == -1; } /* * Given a list of user eids, add users to realm If the user account does * not exist yet inside the user directory, assign role to it @return A list * of eids for successfully added users */ private List addUsersRealm( boolean notify) { // return the list of user eids for successfully added user List addedUserEIds = new Vector(); if (userRoleEntries != null && !userRoleEntries.isEmpty()) { if (site == null) init(); if (site != null) { // get realm object String realmId = site.getReference(); try { AuthzGroup realmEdit = authzGroupService.getAuthzGroup(realmId); boolean allowUpdate = authzGroupService.allowUpdate(realmId); SetokRoles = new HashSet(); for (UserRoleEntry entry: userRoleEntries) { String eId = entry.userEId; String role =entry.role; // this check should never trigger, as we check it earlier // however I'm worried about users manually calling this page directly if (!allowUpdate && !okRoles.contains(role)) { Role r = realmEdit.getRole(role); if (r != null && r.isAllowed("site.upd")) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.roleperm", new Object[] { role }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); continue; } okRoles.add(role); } try { User user = userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(eId); if (authzGroupService.allowUpdate(realmId) || siteService.allowUpdateSiteMembership(site.getId())) { realmEdit.addMember(user.getId(), role, true, false); addedUserEIds.add(eId); // send notification if (notify) { // send notification email notiProvider.notifyAddedParticipant(!isOfficialAccount(eId), user, site.getTitle()); } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.account", new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + ".addUsersRealm: cannot find user with eid= " + eId); } // try } // for try { // post event about adding participant, realmEdit.getId(),false));; } catch (GroupNotDefinedException ee) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.realm",new Object[] { realmId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + ".addUsersRealm: cannot find realm for" + realmId); } catch (AuthzPermissionException ee) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.permeditsite",new Object[] { realmId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + ".addUsersRealm: don't have permission to edit realm " + realmId); } } catch (GroupNotDefinedException eee) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.realm",new Object[] { realmId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + ".addUsersRealm: cannot find realm for " + realmId); } catch (Exception eee) { M_log.warn(this + ".addUsersRealm: " + eee.getMessage() + " realmId=" + realmId); } } } return addedUserEIds; } // addUsersRealm /** * get the confirm choice and continue * @return */ public String processConfirmContinue() { //Hashtable eIdRoles = new Hashtable(); resetTargettedMessageList(); String firstName = null; String lastName = null; boolean updateName = false; if (site == null) init(); for (UserRoleEntry entry:userRoleEntries) { String eId = entry.userEId; firstName = lastName = null; if (!("").equals(entry.firstName)) firstName = entry.firstName; if (!("").equals(entry.lastName)) lastName = entry.lastName; if (isOfficialAccount(eId)) { // if this is a officialAccount } else { // if this is an nonOfficialAccount try { userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(eId); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { // if there is no such user yet, add the user try { UserEdit uEdit = userDirectoryService .addUser(null, eId); // set email address uEdit.setEmail(eId); // set the guest user type uEdit.setType("guest"); // set the guest first name firstName = entry.firstName; if (firstName != null && firstName.length() > 0) uEdit.setFirstName(entry.firstName); // set the guest last name lastName = entry.lastName; if (lastName != null && lastName.length() > 0) uEdit.setLastName(entry.lastName); // set password to a positive random number Random generator = new Random(System .currentTimeMillis()); Integer num = Integer.valueOf(generator .nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); if (num.intValue() < 0) num = Integer.valueOf(num.intValue() * -1); String pw = num.toString(); uEdit.setPassword(pw); // set the guest user name if(firstName != null ) uEdit.setFirstName(firstName); if(lastName != null) uEdit.setLastName(lastName); // and savve updateName = true; userDirectoryService.commitEdit(uEdit); boolean notifyNewUserEmail = (getServerConfigurationString("notifyNewUserEmail", Boolean.TRUE.toString())) .equalsIgnoreCase(Boolean.TRUE.toString()); if (notifyNewUserEmail) { notiProvider.notifyNewUserEmail(uEdit, pw, site != null?site.getTitle():""); } } catch (UserIdInvalidException ee) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.isinval",new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + ".doAdd_participant: id " + eId + " is invalid"); } catch (UserAlreadyDefinedException ee) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.beenused",new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + ".doAdd_participant: id " + eId + " has been used"); } catch (UserPermissionException ee) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.haveadd",new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + ".doAdd_participant: You don't have permission to add " + eId); } } } if (eId.indexOf(EMAIL_CHAR) > 0 && updateName == false){ if (firstName != null || lastName !=null){ //update the user last name and/or first name try { SecurityService securityService = new SecurityService(); // Need: SECURE_UPDATE_USER_ANY securityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() { public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) { if ("user.upd.any".equals(function)) { return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED; } return SecurityAdvice.PASS; } }); String uuid=userDirectoryService.getUserId(eId); UserEdit uEdit = null; uEdit = userDirectoryService.editUser(uuid); if(firstName != null ){ uEdit.setFirstName(firstName); } if(lastName != null) uEdit.setLastName(lastName); userDirectoryService.commitEdit(uEdit); securityService.popAdvisor(); }catch (UserNotDefinedException e){ targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.notdefined",new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + " UserDirectoryService editUser User Not Defined exception " + e.getMessage()); }catch (UserPermissionException e){ targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.notdefined",new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + " UserDirectoryService editUser Permission exception " + e.getMessage()); }catch (UserLockedException e){ targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.rightnow",new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + " UserDirectoryService editUser User Locked exception " + e.getMessage()); }catch (UserAlreadyDefinedException e){ targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.rightnow",new Object[] { eId }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); M_log.warn(this + " UserDirectoryService editUser User Already defined exception " + e.getMessage()); } } } } // batch add and updates the successful added list List addedParticipantEIds = addUsersRealm(Boolean.parseBoolean(emailNotiChoice)); // update the not added user list String notAddedOfficialAccounts = ""; String notAddedNonOfficialAccounts = ""; for (UserRoleEntry entry:userRoleEntries) { String iEId = entry.userEId; if (!addedParticipantEIds.contains(iEId)) { if (isOfficialAccount(iEId)) { // no email in eid notAddedOfficialAccounts = notAddedOfficialAccounts .concat(iEId + "\n"); } else { // email in eid notAddedNonOfficialAccounts = notAddedNonOfficialAccounts .concat(iEId + "\n"); } } } if (addedParticipantEIds.size() != 0 && (!"".equals(notAddedOfficialAccounts) || !"".equals(notAddedNonOfficialAccounts))) { // at lease one officialAccount account or an nonOfficialAccount // account added, and there are also failures targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.allusers", null, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); } // time to reset user inputs reset(); return "done"; } /** * back to the email notification page * @return */ public String processConfirmBack() { resetTargettedMessageList(); return "back"; } /** * Gets the current tool * @return Tool */ public Tool getCurrentTool() { return toolManager.getCurrentTool(); } /** check the participant input **/ private void checkAddParticipant() { // get the participants to be added int i; if (site == null) init(); Vector pList = new Vector(); HashSet existingUsers = new HashSet(); // accept officialAccounts and/or nonOfficialAccount account names String officialAccounts = ""; String nonOfficialAccounts = ""; // check that there is something with which to work officialAccounts = StringUtil.trimToNull(officialAccountParticipant); nonOfficialAccounts = StringUtil.trimToNull(nonOfficialAccountParticipant); // if there is no eid or nonOfficialAccount entered if (officialAccounts == null && nonOfficialAccounts == null) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.guest", null, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } String at = "@"; if (officialAccounts != null) { // adding officialAccounts String[] officialAccountArray = officialAccounts .split("\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < officialAccountArray.length; i++) { String officialAccount = StringUtil.trimToNull(officialAccountArray[i].replaceAll("[\t\r\n]", "")); // if there is some text, try to use it if (officialAccount != null) { // Rutgers code: if username is 9 digit number check for RUID. if (officialAccount.matches("[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]")){ String newEid = null; newEid = RutgersLDAPDirectoryProvider.getInstance().getEidByRuid(officialAccount); if (newEid != null) officialAccount = newEid; } // automatically add nonOfficialAccount account Participant participant = new Participant(); User u = null; String eidsForAllMatches = ""; String eidsForAllMatchesAlert = ""; if (officialAccount.indexOf(at) == -1) { // is not of email format, then look up by eid only try { // look for user based on eid first u = userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(officialAccount); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { M_log.debug(this + ".checkAddParticipant: " + officialAccount + " " + messageLocator.getMessage("java.username") + " "); } } else { // is email. Need to lookup by both eid and email address try { // look for user based on eid first u = userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(officialAccount); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { M_log.debug(this + ".checkAddParticipant: " + officialAccount + " " + messageLocator.getMessage("java.username") + " "); } //Changed user lookup to satisfy BSP-1010 (jholtzman) // continue to look for the user by their email address // if the email address is not marked as eid only if (!officialAccountEidOnly.contains(officialAccount)) { Collection usersWithEmail = userDirectoryService.findUsersByEmail(officialAccount); if(usersWithEmail != null) { if(usersWithEmail.size() == 0) { // If the collection is empty, we didn't find any users with this email address M_log.debug("Unable to find users with email " + officialAccount); } else if (usersWithEmail.size() == 1 && u == null) { // We found one user with this email address. Use it. u = (User)usersWithEmail.iterator().next(); } else if (!usersWithEmail.isEmpty()) { // If we have multiple users with this email address, expand the list with all matching user's eids and let the instructor choose from them M_log.debug("Found multiple user with email " + officialAccount); // multiple matches for (User user : usersWithEmail) { String eid = user.getEid(); eidsForAllMatches += eid + "\n"; eidsForAllMatchesAlert += eid + ", "; // this is to mark the eid so that it won't be used again for email lookup in the future officialAccountEidOnly.add(eid); } // update ui input updateOfficialAccountParticipant(officialAccount, u, eidsForAllMatches); // show alert message targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.username.multiple", new Object[] { officialAccount, eidsForAllMatchesAlert }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } } } } if (u != null) { M_log.debug("found user with eid " + u.getEid()); if (site != null && site.getUserRole(u.getId()) != null) { // user already exists in the site, cannot be added // again existingUsers.add(officialAccount); } else { = u.getDisplayName(); participant.uniqname = u.getEid(); = true; pList.add(participant); } // update the userRoleTable //SAK-5800 if (!getUsers().contains(officialAccount) && !existingUsers.contains(officialAccount)) { userRoleEntries.add(new UserRoleEntry(u.getEid(), "")); } } else if (eidsForAllMatches.length() == 0) { // not valid user targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.username", new Object[] { officialAccount }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } } } } // officialAccounts if (nonOfficialAccounts != null) { String[] nonOfficialAccountArray = nonOfficialAccounts.split("\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < nonOfficialAccountArray.length; i++) { String nonOfficialAccountAll = StringUtil.trimToNull(nonOfficialAccountArray[i].replaceAll("[\t\r\n]", "")); // the format of per user entry is: email address,first name,last name // comma separated String[] nonOfficialAccountParts = nonOfficialAccountAll.split(","); if (nonOfficialAccountParts.length > 3) { // if the input contains more fields than "email address,first name,last name", show an alert targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("add.multiple.nonofficial.alert.more", new Object[] {nonOfficialAccountAll}, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); break; } String userEid = nonOfficialAccountParts[0].trim(); // get last name, if any String userLastName = ""; if (nonOfficialAccountParts.length > 1) { userLastName = nonOfficialAccountParts[1].trim(); } // get first name, if any String userFirstName = ""; if (nonOfficialAccountParts.length > 2) { userFirstName = nonOfficialAccountParts[2].trim(); } // remove the trailing dots while (userEid != null && userEid.endsWith(".")) { userEid = userEid.substring(0, userEid.length() - 1); } if (userEid != null && userEid.length() > 0) { String[] parts = userEid.split(at); if (userEid.indexOf(at) == -1) { // must be a valid email address targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.emailaddress", new Object[] { userEid }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } else if ((parts.length != 2) || (parts[0].length() == 0)) { // must have both id and address part targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.notemailid", new Object[] { userEid }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } else if (!EmailValidator.getInstance().isValid(userEid)) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.emailaddress", new Object[] { userEid }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.theemail", "no text")); } else if (userEid != null && !isValidDomain(userEid)) { // wrong string inside nonOfficialAccount id targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.emailbaddomain", new Object[] { userEid, messageLocator.getMessage("nonOfficialAccountSectionTitle")}, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } else if (!isValidMail(userEid)) { // must be a valid email address targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.emailaddress", new Object[] { userEid }, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } else { Participant participant = new Participant(); try { // if the nonOfficialAccount user already exists User u = userDirectoryService .getUserByEid(userEid); String uid = userDirectoryService.getUserId(userEid); if (site != null && site.getUserRole(u.getId()) != null){ String realmId = site.getReference(); try{ AuthzGroup realmEdit = authzGroupService.getAuthzGroup(realmId); if(realmEdit.getMember(uid) != null) { // user already exists in the site, cannot be // added again existingUsers.add(userEid); } else{ = u.getDisplayName(); participant.uniqname = userEid; = true; pList.add(participant); } }catch (GroupNotDefinedException e){ M_log.debug("no user group exception"); } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { M_log.debug("no user with eid: " + userEid); /* * The account may exist with a different eid */ User u = null; Collection usersWithEmail = userDirectoryService.findUsersByEmail(userEid); if(usersWithEmail != null) { M_log.debug("found a collection of matching email users: " + usersWithEmail.size()); if(usersWithEmail.size() == 0) { // If the collection is empty, we didn't find any users with this email address"Unable to find users with email " + userEid); } else if (usersWithEmail.size() == 1) { // We found one user with this email address. Use it. u = (User)usersWithEmail.iterator().next(); } else if (usersWithEmail.size() > 1) { // If we have multiple users with this email address, pick one and log this error condition // TODO Should we not pick a user? Throw an exception? M_log.warn("Found multiple user with email " + userEid); u = (User)usersWithEmail.iterator().next(); } } if (u == null) { // if the nonOfficialAccount user is not in the system // yet = userEid; participant.uniqname = userEid; // TODO: // what // would // the // UDS // case // this // name // to? // -ggolden = true; } else { M_log.debug("adding: " + u.getDisplayName() + ", " + u.getEid()); = u.getDisplayName(); participant.uniqname = u.getEid(); = true; userEid = u.getEid(); } pList.add(participant); } // update the userRoleTable //SAK-5800 if (!getUsers().contains(userEid) && !existingUsers.contains(userEid)) { userRoleEntries.add(new UserRoleEntry(userEid, "", userFirstName, userLastName)); } } } // if } // } // nonOfficialAccounts if ("same_role".equals(roleChoice)) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("java.roletype", null, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR)); } // remove duplicate or existing user from participant list pList = removeDuplicateParticipants(pList); // if the add participant list is empty after above removal, stay in the // current page // add alert for attempting to add existing site user(s) if (!existingUsers.isEmpty()) { int count = 0; String accounts = ""; for (Iterator eIterator = existingUsers.iterator(); eIterator .hasNext();) { if (count == 0) { accounts = (String); } else { accounts = accounts + ", " + (String); } count++; } targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("add.existingpart.1", new Object[]{accounts}, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("add.existingpart.2", null, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); } return; } // checkAddParticipant private boolean isValidDomain(String email) { String invalidNonOfficialAccountString = getServerConfigurationString("invalidNonOfficialAccountString", null); if (invalidNonOfficialAccountString != null) { String[] invalidDomains = invalidNonOfficialAccountString.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < invalidDomains.length; i++) { String domain = invalidDomains[i].trim(); if (email.toLowerCase().indexOf(domain.toLowerCase()) != -1) { return false; } } } return true; } private boolean isValidMail(String email) { if (email == null || "".equals(email)) return false; email = email.trim(); EmailValidator ev = EmailValidator.getInstance(); return ev.isValid(email); } private Vector removeDuplicateParticipants(List pList) { // check the uniqueness of list member Set s = new HashSet(); Set uniqnameSet = new HashSet(); Vector rv = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < pList.size(); i++) { Participant p = (Participant) pList.get(i); if (!uniqnameSet.contains(p.getUniqname())) { // no entry for the account yet rv.add(p); uniqnameSet.add(p.getUniqname()); } else { // found duplicates s.add(p.getUniqname()); } } if (!s.isEmpty()) { int count = 0; String accounts = ""; for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { if (count == 0) { accounts = (String); } else { accounts = accounts + ", " + (String); } count++; } if (count == 1) { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("add.duplicatedpart.single",new Object[]{accounts}, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); } else { targettedMessageList.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("add.duplicatedpart", new Object[]{accounts}, TargettedMessage.SEVERITY_INFO)); } } return rv; } private void reset() { site = null; siteId = null; realm = null; roles.clear(); officialAccountParticipant = null; officialAccountEidOnly = new Vector(); nonOfficialAccountParticipant = null; roleChoice = "sameRole"; sameRoleChoice = null; emailNotiChoice = Boolean.FALSE.toString(); userRoleEntries = new Vector(); } public void setNotiProvider(UserNotificationProvider notiProvider) { this.notiProvider = notiProvider; } /** * This is to update the handler's officialAccountParticipant attribute when encountering multiple users with same email address. * The visual result is that the official account list will be expanded to include eids from all matches * * @param officialAccount * @param u */ protected void updateOfficialAccountParticipant(String officialAccount, User u, String eidsForAllMatches) { if (u != null && !eidsForAllMatches.contains(u.getEid())) { eidsForAllMatches = u.getEid() + "\n" + eidsForAllMatches; } // replace the original official account entry with eids from all matches. officialAccountParticipant = officialAccountParticipant.replaceAll(officialAccount, eidsForAllMatches); } }