# These are strings that are used in the IMPL package when strings need to be returned for various reasons. # The bulk of the strings to be internationalised are in tool/ProfileApplication.properties # # To Internationalise/Localise simple duplicate this file, modify the values and call it messages_locale.properties # ie messages_nl.properties # Repeat with ProfileApplication.properties in tool/ # # BRITISH/AUSTRALIAN TRANSLATION (default) # Steve Swinsburg, s.swinsburg@lancaster.ac.uk Label.hour_ago=\ jam yang lalu Label.hours_ago=\ jam yang lalu Label.just_then=just then Label.minute_ago=\ menit yang lalu Label.minutes_ago=\ menit yang lalu Label.on=pada Label.second_ago=\ detik yang lalu Label.seconds_ago=\ detik yang lalu Label.yesterday=Kemarin Label.userUuid=Identitas Pengguna: #Label.displayName= Label.nickname=Nama Panggilan: #Label.dateOfBirth= Label.email=Email: Label.position=Posisi: Label.department=Departemen: Label.school=Sekolah: Label.room=Kamar: Label.homepage=Homepage: Label.workphone=Telepon Kantor: Label.homephone=Telepon Rumah: Label.mobilephone=Telepon HP: Label.facsimile=Nomor Faks: Label.favouriteBooks=Buku Favorit: Label.favouriteTvShows=Program TV Favorit: Label.favouriteMovies=Film Favorit: Label.favouriteQuotes=Favourite Quotes: Label.otherInformation=Lain-lain: Label.course=Program Studi: Label.subjects=Mata Kuliah: #Label.statusMessage= #Label.statusDate=