----Before SAK-49540 Message Type: The tool URL can receive an LTI Resource Link launch The tool can receive a Content-Item or Deep-Link launch Placement: Allow the tool to be selected from Lessons Allow the tool to be one of the assignment types Allow the tool to be used from the rich text editor Tool supports the privacy launch message (experimental) Allow the tool to provide a common cartridge (usually to be imported into a tool like Lessons) Allow the tool to provide a file (usually as part of a file picker) --- After SAK-49540 Message Type: The tool URL can receive an LTI Resource Link launch The tool can receive a Content-Item or Deep-Link launch Tool supports the privacy launch message (experimental) Placement: Allow the tool to be selected from Lessons Allow the tool to be one of the assignment types Allow the tool to be used from the rich text editor Allow the tool to be placed in site-level navigation Allow the tool to provide a common cartridge (usually to be imported into a tool like Lessons) Allow the tool to provide a file (usually as part of a file picker)